Fewer studies have evaluated alcohol consumption levels using recommended drinking guidelines (i.e., unhealthy alcohol use that exceeds daily and/or weekly limits), among individuals with psychiatric disorders. Moreover,…
Fewer studies have evaluated alcohol consumption levels using recommended drinking guidelines (i.e., unhealthy alcohol use that exceeds daily and/or weekly limits), among individuals with psychiatric disorders. Moreover,…
AUD in the United States] This large treatment gap allows clinicians to diagnose a prevalent medical condition with devastating health and societal consequences. Previous systematic reviews have…
В епоху цифрових технологій все більше людей обирають грати в казино онлайн, зручно розмістившись вдома. В Україні зростає популярність інтернет-казино, і вибір стає дедалі ширшим. Нижче ми…